APRIL 2016

The old shed by the bay almost glows when hit by the setting sun.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file | November 2015
MARCH 2016

Andreas Persson releases a good pike and the water is totally flat and reflects the side of the pike.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file | November 2015

The big sedge landed on my rod and I only got the phone in my pocket. The image is not sharp all through
and the low light pushed up the ISO. Now when viewed on screen it almost looks like a painting.
iPhone 5 | JPG file | October 2015

During 2016 I will have less time to spend in front of the screen updating Picture of the Week, so I have turned
it into P.O.T.M now for a while.... Here´s an image of a beautiful November evening under the risning moon.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 52/2015

An image by Daniel Bomgren from a recent trip to the pike archipelago of Blekinge, south Sweden. During a short
time the sun lit up the reeds and Daniel pulled out his Sony phone and bam. Good light + phone = Nice image.
Sony mobile phone | JPG file.
Week 51/2015

Last trip of seatrout season 2015. Peter is working a shallow bay and we are blessed
with some golden rays. September 2015.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 50/2015

I shot a series of images of a late season rainbow trout in the water late in the afternoon. They all turned out
blurry and dark, but this one may work cropped hard and adjusted. Or not.... November 2015.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 49/2015

Andreas Persson with yet another decent shallow water pike on the fly. November 2015.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 48/2015

Sometimes you are just amazed about the fall colors agains a blue sky. October 2015.
iPhone 5 | JPG file.
Week 47/2015

visualize how one of my images may look like on a magazine cover I have
tested to automatically inprint a homemade COVER logo in the upper end
of the picture. The 2015 cover versions may be seen here >>>
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 46/2015

Late summer sunset on the coast. August 2015.
Nikon D600 | Nikon 18-35/3.5 | NEF raw file.
Week 45/2015

Another great moment in fly fishing - a long lazy lunch on the shore of a mountain lake. August 2015.
Canon G11 - CR2-file - photo Peter Alexandersson
Week 44/2015

A fast image of a late season searun brown in the ghostnet before release. September 2015.
iPhone 5 | JPG fil.
Week 43/2015

An angler searching for perch on a beautiful day on lake Gröen, Landvetter, Sweden. September 2015.
iPhone 5 | JPG fil.
Week 42/2015

Aston the dog checking up on mr David Evans on the coast. August 2015.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 41/2015

Automated panorama from the phone from glacier lake Jökulsarlon on southeastern Iceland. August 2015.
iPhone 5 | JPG fil.
Week 40/2015

Peter Alexandersson shot a few fast images of me with the big camera, but this iPhone image I think
turned out to be the best, converted into B&W. September 2015.
iPhone 5 | JPG fil.
Week 39/2015

Peter sneaking up on a trout in a very small creek in the Ammarnäs mountain range. July 2015.
Canon S100 | JPG file - Photo Thomas Kindström.
Week 38/2015

Again Peter Alexandersson with a nice Ammarnäs / Vindelälven brown trout of aprox 9lbs. July 2015.
Canon S100 | JPG file - Photo Thomas Kindström.
Week 37/2015

Rainbow trout ready for release and Einarsson 3plus flyreel. June 2015.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 36/2015

Beautiful char getting close for landing. August 2015.
Nikon SLR | JPG file - Photo Peter Schmitt - http://ammarnasguide.se
Week 35/2015

Myself with a decent brown from June 2015.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file - Photo Peter Alexandersson.
Week 34/2015

To escape the wind in the Black Desert we went to a very small lake inside a volcano crater! What a great
place to fish, and we managed some trout along the deep blue edges.
Nikon D60 | Nikon 18-105 | JPG file - Photo Ulrika Larsson.
Week 33/2015

Some years ago when we fished lake Tindavatn on Iclend we arrived in the back end of a sandstorm. This time
we got right in the middle of it. Hard wind and high waterlevel made the fishing tough.
Nikon D60 | Nikon 18-105 | JPG file - Photo Ulrika Larsson
Week 32/2015

An old wooden dock on the west coast of Sweden.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 31/2015

Peter Alexandersson with a decent sedge eating brown trout. The image was captures in the middle of the
night without flash but the raw file held up quite nicely when converted into B&W.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 30/2015

Spring flowers and fly gear along the coast.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 29/2015

Brown trout and Icelandic fly reel Einarsson 5plus.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 28/2015

Early morning selfie with the bellyboat and a natural tripod = rock.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 27/2015

Peter nymphing some fast water.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 26/2015

A decent rainbow trout ready for release.
iPhone 5 | JPG file.
Week 25/2015

One of the great moments in fly fishing - looking for risers with a bunch of fishing buddies.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 24/2015

The morning sun shines through the clouds and focus is on the water in front of the lens.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 23/2015

Early morning fishing on the coast in the area of Hamburgsund.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 22/2015

The moon is still up and the kayak is ready for a morning session on the coast.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 21/2015

A beautiful Bahamian bonefish, photo by Martin Christensson - http://martinchristensson.se
Nikon D90 | NEF raw file.
Week 20/2015

Honda 4stroke 135HP and a 12wt flyrod on the hunt for cod, coalfish and halibut.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 19/2015

The contrast between hard, grey cliffs and light sand dunes makes the Valön Nature Reserv an almost magic place.
Week 18/2015

A freshly caught searun brown from the Getterön Nature Reserve, Varberg, Sweden.
Sony RX100-M3 | ARW raw file.
Week 17/2015

A fast grab in the setting sun, then just emptiness.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 16/2015

The helicopter closing in at Vaeröy Island, Lofoten, Norway.
Nikon D600 | Nikon 18-35/3.5 | NEF raw file.
Week 15/2015

When your hand looks small, then it is a decent west coast searun brown trout.
iPhone image by Peter Alexandersson | JPG file.
Week 14/2015

The fly tying desk of mr Mikael Fröding at the Sportfishing Fair in Sweden 2015.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 13/2015

A beach stroller passed by and shot an imager of Peter´s nice Tobago bonefish, one of several big fish that day.
Fujifilm XP20 | JPG file.
Week 12/2015

A nice fall colured searun brown soon ready for release. Photo by Peter Alexandersson.
iPhone 4 | JPG file.
Week 11/2015

A tripod selfie on an early morning in Hökensås.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 10/2015

The first strokes of northen light, Aurora Borealis, when the sky still have a blue cast. Lofoten, Norway.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 09/2015

First cast. A long day of fly fishing lies ahead.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 08/2015

A selfi from an early morning with rising rainow trout.
Nikon D600 | Nikon 18-35/3.5 | NEF raw file.
Week 07/2015

Not a bad location for a rental fishermans shed. Lake Mälaren, central Sweden.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 06/2015

A high contrast B&W lots of structure and Albin Sillver fishing in the far right corner.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 05/2015

weather around Lofoten, northern Norway, changes rapidly. When the fog
rolls in and hits the high walls some really cool, almost ghostlike,
effects appear. Ten minutes later they can be gone, or immerse you
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 04/2015

A good one meter pike in shallow water on the fly. Full story at the Guideline Flyfish Blog >>>
Canon G11 | CR2 raw file.
Week 03/2015

Another one from the same day as Week 03, in B&W.
Canon G11 | CR2 raw file.
Week 02/2015

image shows the Mother of All Low Water we ran into during this Baltic
pike trip, and please note that this is the best day with quite OK
levels! Normally all the black rocks should be covered, and preferably
even more.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Week 01/2015

Not the best weather for pike on the fly, but it was a great morning with the boys and the camera.
Nikon D600 | Tamron 28-75/2.8 | NEF raw file.
Want to see previous
Pictures Of The Week ?
ARCHIVE #14, Week 27 - 52, 2014 >>>
ARCHIVE #13, Week 1 - 26, 2014 >>>
ARCHIVE #12, Week 27 - 52, 2013 >>>
ARCHIVE #11, Week 1 - 26, 2013 >>>
ARCHIVE #10, Week 27 - 52, 2012 >>>
ARCHIVE #9, Week 1 - 26, 2012 >>>
ARCHIVE #8, Week 27 - 52, 2011 >>>
ARCHIVE #7, Week 1 - 26, 2011 >>>
ARCHIVE #6, Week 27 - 52, 2010 >>>
ARCHIVE #5, Week 1 - 26, 2010 >>>
ARCHIVE #4, Week 31 - 53, 2009 >>>
ARCHIVE #3, Week 16 - 30, 2009 >>>
ARCHIVE #2, Week 01 - 15, 2009 >>>
ARCHIVE #1, Week 33 - 52, 2008 >>>
Copyright | Henrik Larsson | FiskeBild.se | FishingImage.com | www.FiskeBild.se | E-mail: henrik@fiskebild.se | Tel: +46 (0)730-27 48 00
rights reserved. No images may be used in any media without permission.