Week 52/2011

The beauty of do-it-yourself
bonefishing, helping your fishing mate to spot fish. And next time it is your
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
Week 51/2011

Testfishing the new Linder 445
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file
Week 50/2011

I must admit that stalking
bonefish by foot in shallow water is among my favourite kind of fly fishing.
When you see every movement of the fish and how he/she reacts to the retrive of
the fly! Just amazing!
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
Week 49/2011

A tube fly awaiting to be fished
through the rapids of river Örekilsälven.
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
Week 48/2011

The cabins by Brofästet Fishing
camp, in pike heaven.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file
Week 47/2011

A release picture in one of the
lakes in Tiveden.
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
Week 46/2011

A late fall salmon from river
Örekilsälven. Photo by Albin Löfqvist.
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
Week 45/2011

The private stetch of river TIdan
managed by TivedenFlyfish.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file
Week 44/2011

"You should have seen the one that
got away!!.
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
Week 43/2011

Last day on the coast, fog and
blue colours.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file
Week 42/2011

Mr Gunnar Ahlström launches the
kayak on one of the outer islands of Blekinge archipelago.
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
Week 41/2011

Sunrise on the coast of Blekinge,
Sweden, when flyfishing for pike.
Canon G11, jpg
Week 40/2011

A good searun brown, caught on the
last cast of season 2011, pic by Albin L.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file
Week 39/2011

Fall colours and high water by
river Örekilsälven.
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
Week 38/2011

Storm clouds drift away and a full
rainbow appears over my Mojo SOT.
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
Week 37/2011

I think I just fell in love with
flyfishing from a SOT fishing kayak, to leave the beach in first light is just
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
Week 36/2011

This seson mackerell has invaded
the west coast of Sweden, and their colours are just amazing.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file
Week 35/2011

Finally, a pikeperch on the fly!
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
Week 34/2011

April on the west coast spells
layer-on-layer, cold wet hands and some insane fishing in between.
D200 @ ISO 100 | Tokina 12-24/4 | flash | handheld | NEF raw-file
Week 33/2011

A new piece is in the pipe, Searun
browns with sinking line, and the fishing spots is very far from the shallow
spring bays.
D200 @ ISO 100 | Tokina 12-24/4 | handheld | NEF raw-file.
Week 32/2011

When carrying the float tubes
through the fields we stopped by an old farmhouse to rest and check the
D300 @ ISO 200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | handheld | NEF raw-file.
Week 31/2011

This fish took the fly just before
the sun went down, pictured at week 30 below.
D200 @ ISO 100 | Tokina 12-24/4 | handheld | NEF raw-file
Week 30/2011

I can´t help it, but I just love
the silouette of a fly fisherman against the setting sun.
D200 @ ISO 100 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | handheld | NEF raw-file
Week 29/2011

The sun finally shines through the
clouds and the grassy fields turns almost fluorucent green.
D300 @ ISO 200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | handheld | NEF raw-file
Week 28/2011

The best flies for searun browns
are seldom detailed patterns with dozens of material, more like the stuff you
find under your bed if you reach too far. Just like this very basic tan colured
seal fur shrimp.
Nikon D200
@ ISO 100 | Tamron 90mm/2,8 | handheld | NEF raw-file.
Week 27/2011

Ahhh, what a beautiful thing, a
solidly hooked searun brown while the sun sets over island Tjörn.
Nikon D200
@ ISO 100 | Tokina 12-24/4 | handheld | NEF raw-file.
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