Week 52/2010

I never bother if I get soaked when a big Baltic pike takes off after a
successful release.
Canon Ixus 80 IS.
P-mode, JPG| Photo
Alexander Nilsson
Week 51/2010

To find hundreds of spawning bream in the shallows was just a spectacular
thing to see. With fins cutting though the surface it was just like having
redfish in south Sweden.
Canon G11, jpg,
Week 50/2010

The colours and texture of the skin of a brook trout is just amazing!
Nikon D200 |
Tamron90mm/2,8 | 1/160 sec @ f4 | handheld
Week 49/2010

When my fishing buddy Peter released this
pike I put the waterproof camera in the water and snapped a picture just under
the surface. I get the feeling that the fish really wanted to be in the picture,
or is he just checing out the camera.
Panasonic TS1 waterproof digital compact camera, jpg,
Week 48/2010

The winter is over us again and this year we could walk the smaller lakes
already in the end of November, brrrrrr....
This picture from a guided trip last year, when fishing for northern pike. We
needed to
take turns when drilling as the ice measured 80 centimeters.
Canon G11, jpg,
Week 47/2010

Mr Per Jobs from Gotland
http://fishyourdream.com with Personal Best of ´skrubbskädda´ on the fly.
Canon G11, jpg,
Week 46/2010

This pike from south Sweden really had a lot of enery left after the fight and
took off with a Double Salkov.
I can tell the camera got really soaked when the fish landed sideways 40 cm from
the lens...
Canon G11, CR2
raw file,
Week 45/2010

The camera held among the leaves in a backlit tree, and a fisherman changing
fly by the stream.
Canon G11, jpg,
Week 44/2010

Shallow water pike fishing means working the edges of the weed.
Nikon D200 |
Tamron/2,8/90mm | 1/200 sec @ f2,8 | handheld |
Week 43/2010

Bad weater cleares up further out over the sea and the sun lights through.
Canon G11,
CR2-raw, P-mode.
Week 42/2010

One of the best moments in a fishing trip. You have arrived in the camp and
spend the afternoon preparing
for a week of fishing, having a couple of cold ones, tying leades and just wait.
Nikon F90X |
Sigma 28-70mm/2,8@28mm | 1/160 sec @ f4 | handheld | Fuji Provia 100
Week 41/2010

A beaturiful old scanned surfning image captured by
Morgan Evans | www.FlyMania.se
in the Pacific Ocean.
Nikon 801 | Nikkor 35-70/2,8 | Fuji Provia 100
Week 40/2010

A hard contrast picture in the first morning light with Albin setting the
hook in a decent searun brown.
Nikon D200 @ ISO 100 | Tokina ATX-Pro 12-24/4@14mm | 1/200 sec
@ f9 | handheld.
Week 39/2010

A coastal picture with muted colours and a small lift in the red channel which
makes the sleeping bag pop.
Nikon D200 @ ISO 100 | Tokina ATX-Pro 12-24/4@20mm | 1/100 sec @ f11 | handheld.
Week 38/2010

My best searun brown from season 2010, 63 cm and around 3 kgs / 6,5 lbs.
Picture by Morgan Evans
Nikon D300 | Tokina ATX 12-24/4 | RAW | handheld.
Week 37/2010

Another picture from the same occation as week 34, but pointed in another
direction. This little house is placed in searun brown mecca, and the view is
also quite OK.... Canon G11, P mode, jpg, handheld.
Week 36/2010

Mr Niclas Andesson fishing in the first morning light in
river Säveån, Sweden.
Nikon F90X | Nikon 50mm/1,8 | 1/125 sec @ f4 | handheld | Kodak 100 VS
Week 35/2010

Mr Atli Bergmann with an
Iceland ´Rainbow´ trout.
Nikon D200 @ ISO 100 | Tokina ATX-Pro 12-24/4@18mm | 1/200 sec @ f8 | handheld.
Week 34/2010

After a heavy rain shower the storm moves on and the sky
cleares up. A razor sharp rainbow apperas when the
sun lits through the clouds. Canon G11, P mode, jpg, handheld.
Week 33/2010

Greenland August 2010. A
big arctic char hits the fly in the warm evening light and the fight is on.
Photo by Albin
Löfqvist. Canon 400D | Canon 18-55 lens | CR2 raw-file.
More Greenland pictures in the Gallery >>>
Week 32/2010

Greenland August 2010.
Early morning in the camp and a single fisherman prepares for another glorious
day by the river.
Photo by Albin
Löfqvist. Canon 400D | Canon 18-55 lens | CR2 raw-file.
More Greenland
pictures in the Gallery >>>
Week 31/2010

Early moring with muted
blue and grey colours on the coast.
Nikon D200 @ ISO 200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 @ 28mm | 1/160 sec @ f5,6 | handheld.
Week 30/2010

We got access to this private beat of a small salmon river
on Iceland, and in the upper end there is a beautiful waterfall. Later in the
season the pool below the falls are packed with salmon, but now we only got a
serene moment under the rushing water.
Canon G11, P mode.
Week 29/2010

On Iceland you can see huge
& mean 4WD cars, but this 4wd van must be the perfect bum-truck you can
Photo Thomas Kindström,
Canon 20D, Canon 17-40/4,
Week 28/2010

My first Atlantic salmon on
the fly, from river Storá Laxá in Iceland, photo Thomas Kindström.
Canon 20D, Sigma 14mm/2,8, handheld.
Week 27/2010

Flyline on the deck of a
Mexican panga may seem quite harmless, but when a big tarpon hit the fly it all
can change within milliseconds. To fish with bare feet make you feel if you are
staning on the line.
Nikon F90X | Sigma 28/70/2,8 @ 70 mm | 1/500 sec @ f8 | Fuji Provia 100 | handheld.
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