The rainbow trout from the hatchey at Källefall is just great and
beautifully spotted, even newly stocked.
Nikon D200, Tamron
28-75/2,8 @ 70 mm, 1/300sec @ f4, handheld.

Sometimes you see a picture and you whish you could be there with a camera
and a fishing companion! This winter pic from Nedre Dalälven is just awesome
with the good light, frosty trees and fog over the water.
Captured by NeDa staff,

When taking a kid fishing the best planning
is not to have a plan at all. This day Tilda totally ignored the rainbow trouts
and Catch of the day turned out to be the biggest tadpole of the lake, 1 inch
Nikon D200, Nikon
80-200mm/2,8 @ 80 mm, 1/300sec @ f4, handheld.

Sometimes it is amazing what a macro lense
can reveal when you rellay go up close. This is the fin of a perch from some
weeks ago, with nice sunlight on the main subject against clear black ice. The
colours are just great, and you do not see the structure until you look at it on
the screen.
Nikon D200, Tamron 90mm/2,8, 1/160sec @ f8, handheld.

A small ad for my new project, the FlyFishingCalendar 2009! For information
and to order Your own copy, please visit
www.flugfiskekalender.se or
www.flyfishingcalendar.eu (in English)

Even if it´s still some time to go, the summer will eventually come!
Nikon D200, Tamron 90mm/2,8, 1/500sec @ f4, handheld.

This is basic flytying in the dark, before hotshot LED micro headlamps. A
MagLite tucked inside the hat and a single candle. The fly turned out just
beautiful, and the next day it pursuaded the biggest fish of the week.
Nikon F90X, Sigma 28-70mm/2,8 @ 40mm, 1/125sec @ f5,6, Fuji Provia, handheld,

Dinner is served in a backcountry hut somewhere on the South Island, New
Zealand. If you have seen the TroutBum Diaries NZ, it is exactly like that,
cheap pasta, noodles and tomato sauce 7 days a week.
Nikon F90X, Sigma 28-70mm/2,8 @ 40mm, 1/125sec @ f5,6, Fuji Provia, handheld,

I have made a series of macro pictures of flies laying on a mirror. It gives
the flies a very nice apperance as the mirror acts as a big bouncer, but a very
unforgiving one. It takes a digital camera, preferable connected to a computer
and big screen, and very exact positioning of the flash to avoid reflections and
ghost shadows in the final picture.
Fuji S2 Pro, Tamron 90mm/2,8, 1/250sec @ f11, Hensel studiolightning.

I must admit that I really like foggy mornings, especially the ones
following a cold and clear september night. This picture shows my friends Peter
& Peter fishing for brown trout from a small wooden boat. The sun is just about
to get through the thick fog, and the silouette of the boys are just visable.
Nikon F90X, Sigma 28-70mm/2,8 @ 50mm, 1/250sec @ f8, Fuji Provia, handheld.

The Yucatan peninsula in Mexico has some good spots for large tarpon but
also plenty of spots for baby poons. In this picture I intended to take a shot
with the fish held just in the surface, but as I start to press the shutter the
fish decides to head back to the mangroves. The quite fast shutterspeed freezes
the splashing water.
Nikon F90X, Nikon 18-35mm/3,5. 1/300sec @ f8, Fuju Velvia, handheld.

This fly fishing student had a great time in the sunset and managed to hook
a nice rainbow trout in the fading light. Five minutes later he walks up to me
with blood dripping through his fingers and the fly hooked in his own nose.
Nikon F90X, Nikon 24mm/2,8. 1/160sec @ f5,6, Fuju Velvia, handheld.

The most important rule when hooking a tarpon is to hang on to the line as
tight as you can until the hook finds a place to sink in. My friend Anders
almost broke the neck on his first Belize tarpon, as you can see on pic above...
Amazingly the hook came out in the first jump, despite the Stockholm NeckBreaker
Nikon D200, Nikon 24mm/2,8. 1/250sec @ f8, RAW, handheld.

Even if ice-fishing is not my favourite method, I must admit it is a really
nice experience to walk on a thin layer of ice, see every rock on the bottom and
have a clear blue january sky above. And when 3lbs perch hit the bait it is not
bad at all!
Nikon D200, Tamron 12-24/4 @ 14mm, 1/300sec @ f5,6, RAW, handheld.

Flyfishing close to a city can give some really cool angels of urban
structures and lines, like this one from the harbour area of Gothenburg and the
brige Älvsborgsbron.
Nikon D200, Tamron 12-24/4 @ 12mm, 1/180sec @ f8, RAW, handheld.
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