Week 26/2012

No need to wonder what kind of
people who are visiting.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file.
Week 25/2012

This morning on the coast we had
the lowest water in a long time, and some of the normal spots were on dry land.
Nikon D200 | Tokina ATX Pro
12-24/4 | NEF raw-file.
Week 24/2012

Some days the assignments are not
with fishermen in the frame, but with the actual catch on a plate...
Nikon D200 | Nikon 50/1,8 | NEF raw-file.
Week 23/2012

Evening and a nice fire in the
shed by the river.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file.
Week 22/2012

The cliffs covered with yellow
lichen almost glows in the warm afternoon light.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file.
Week 21/2012

Peter paddles back to basecamp in
the setting sun, after a great afternoon on the coast.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file.
Week 20/2012

The spring season box with plenty
of bright flies with good visibility.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file.
Week 19/2012

The Ally canoe lets you explore
new waters in a quite small package. We had some beautiful days on the water.
Nikon D200 | Tokina ATX Pro
12-24/4 | NEF raw-file.
Week 18/2012

Not very big, but the first fish
of season 2012 is always a relief. .
Canon G11, | CR2 raw-file.
Week 17/2012

The beautiful rainbow trout from
week 14 below, finally landed before release.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file.
Week 16/2012

First day of season 2012 near
Nordens Ark, Lysekil. The night was clear and cold and the bay froze over. But
as soon the morning breeze started and the sun came up, the ice pushed into the
bay, and the trout started to eat!
Nikon D60 | Nikon 18-105/5,6 | jpg
Week 15/2012

I got the chance to try some days
of fishing out of a mobile home. What a great thing to be able to park just by
the water and have instant access to the fishing, day and night.
Nikon D200 | Tokina ATX Pro
12-24/4 | NEF raw-file.
Week 14/2012

It´s quite easy the see when an
ice angler gets a solid hookup. Martin Ångnell showing ´the windmill effect´.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file
Week 13/2012

A field of flowers overlooking one
of the voulcanic lakes on the Azores islands.
Fuji S2Pro | Nikon 18-35/3,5 | RAW file
Week 12/2012

A magical moring by lake Benmore in NZ. Niclas Andersson quietly awaits the
brown trouts crusing
under the trees along the lakeshore.
Nikon F90X | Sigma 28-70/2,8 |
scanned Fuji Velvia 100
Week 11/2012

Niclas Andersson fishing for
landlocked salmon in lake Vättern, south Sweden. The wind and waves can
be a real challenge here and the lake gets rough very fast.
Nikon F90X | Tamron 28-75/2,8 |
scanned Fuji Provia 100
Week 10/2012

My old man cast into the setting
sun on the island of Vinga, Sweden. .
Nikon F90X | Tamron 28-75/2,8 |
scanned Fuji Provia 100
Week 9/2012

Thomas tries the small flat
outside the house in Mexico.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file
Week 8/2012

The evening ligth was just
stunning and my fishing mates were fishing the other side of the bay. I put my
camera on the tripod and shot a series of pictures of myself wading with the
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file
Week 7/2012

My first digital macro shot with
my then brand new Tamron 90mm/2,8. Captured by river Säveån in the end of May
Fuji S2Pro | Tamron 90mm/2,8 | RAW file
Week 6/2012

The clouds, sun and forest over
Hökensås last week.
Nikon D200 | Tamron 28-75/2,8 | NEF raw-file
Week 5/2012

My first digital grip-and-grin
from late summer of 2003 on the west coast of Sweden. Angler Morgan Evans.
Fuji S2Pro | Nikon 18-35/3,5| RAW file
Week 4/2012

Some years ago we tested pontoon
style float tubes to see what happend if one pontoon got flat. In this picture I
am in real panic whith my fins stuck in the line tray and elastic cords. Now the
construction is changed, with Velcro instaed of snaplocks.
Nikon F90X | Fuji Provia | Photo by Morgan Evans
Week 3/2012

The morning at the pike coast of
Blekinge was cloudy as hell, and Bertil is looking for a place to start todays
Minolta digital compact | JPG file | Photo by Andreas Persson
Week 2/2012

In the last light I find a tailing
bonefish in Chetumal Bay and he can not resist my Crazy Charlie.
Canon 550D | Canon 17-40/4 | NEF raw-file
| Photo Peter Alexandersson
Week 1/2012

Albin loading the flyrod in the
Linder 445 Catch.
Nikon D200 | Tokina 12-24/4 | NEF raw-file
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